Criminal lawyer’s car gets stolen

SANDTON - Criminal lawyer, Stanley Hadebe had his car stolen from a parking lot in Sandton.

The 30-year-old professional who has been practising law for the past two years, said he wanted to alert the Sandton community about crime in the area.

“The sad part is, as a lawyer I have dealt with cases of this manner, nonetheless, never have I ever thought that I would be the victim one day,” said Hadebe.

“I just want to bring it to the attention of other people who work around the Sandton area to be aware of the theft of motor vehicles.

“As the country and the world was celebrating Mandela’s birthday, some people decided to celebrate it by coming into the parking of our building and stealing my car.”

He said he had parked his car in the usual parking spot, where two security guards were patrolling around the building. “No one saw anything,” added Hadebe.

He said he reported the incident and opened a case with the Sandton police.

Captain Kym Cloete, the spokesperson for the Sandton police confirmed the case. “The docket is being investigated by a specialised detective group at the Booysens Police Station which only investigates vehicle-related matters,” explained Cloete.

Hadebe said he had not heard anything further from the police and has been waiting for the SMS with the particulars of his case.

Cloete said, “Although the theft of motor vehicles is a source of concern to us, theft out of a motor vehicle is of greater concern as it occurs more regularly.”

Hadebe said, “I have walked around the building to talk to a few staff members, I was surprised to hear that last year, two other lawyers’ motor vehicles were also stolen at the very same parking lot.”

However, Cloete said she could not confirm the validity of Hadebe’s claim with regards to the other alleged incidents of theft last year.

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