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Water pipe bursts yet again causing more damage

BRYANSTON - After Stephanie Geyser reported a water pipe burst in Bryanston and it was fixed, the water pipe burst again.

This follows the article, Knee-deep troubles, week ending 27 June, in which Geyser said Joburg Water fixed the first water pipe burst on 12 June, however eight days later the pipe burst again on 20 June.


“The water pressure in the main pipe shot like an explosion,” she explained. “I went out to investigate and found that the smaller water pipe had broken off the main pipe and it was lying in the road.”

Geyser added that the water totally surrounded her house and filled up her cellar again. She said the water in her wine cellar was 1,75m deep. “The water even filled up a gully and pushed up into the downstairs bath,” she said.

Geyser described the water pipe burst as “a water fountain outside of my house”.

She explained, “I then phoned Joburg Connect and asked if an emergency team could just come and turn off the water overnight, and they said that all their teams were out as there were a lot of water pipe bursts all over Bryanston and Douglasdale.”

Geyser said Joburg Connect told her they would escalate the complaint when she called them on 20 June. The pipe was repaired the next day.

“At the moment the water in the cellar is about 10cm deep, but it is slowly disappearing,” added Geyser.

Millicent Kabwe, spokesperson for Joburg Water said, “We are still investigating this issue and we will get back to you.”


Do you have any water pipe burst incidents in your area? Tell us about them on our Facebook page.

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