Dinosaurs come to Sandton – Win tickets

SANDTON - Dinosaurs will be exhibited at the Sandton Convention Centre from 20 June to 20 July.

The giant reptiles have travelled from Vigo, Spain in 11 shipping containers for four weeks, travelling a 15 000km journey across the Atlantic Ocean. The state-of-the-art animatronic dinosaurs are in town for the Days of the Dinosaur: The Exhibition.

This forms part of an international travelling exhibition featuring life-size moving, roaring dinosaurs. Days of the Dinosaur: The Exhibition will open to the South African public in Johannesburg and Cape Town from June to August this year. Exhibition-goers can immerse themselves in a prehistoric world made possible by advanced engineering on a scale never before seen in South Africa.

“The exhibition will be spectacular: it’s educational, family-friendly and extremely interesting to adults and children alike,” said Edmund Beukes of Media24, who is involved in the exhibition’s organisation. “With more than 45 life-size dinosaurs and two skeletons, it is bound to be a memorable experience for South African families.”

Details: www.daysofthedinosaur.co.za.

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