St Davids Matrics finish tops

St David’s Marist Inanda congratulated its matric class of 2013 who have, in the tradition of its past matrics, achieved an outstanding set of results in the IEB exams.

The 2013 results reflected a commitment to excellence from all involved in the process.

“We are extremely proud of our boys and of our teachers, and are grateful to our parents and the extended St David’s community for their support of and prayers for the boys throughout the year,” said Malcolm Williams, headmaster of the school. “Although we celebrate publicly the achievements of our top boys, we are equally proud of every boy who has achieved his potential.”

The 2013 matrics achieved a 100 percent overall pass with a 96 percent bachelor degree pass and a total of 192 subject distinctions, including advanced programme maths.

Special mention must be made of Matthew Savadier and Lance Brogden on their outstanding achievement of nine distinctions each. Savadier achieved more than 90 percent in seven subjects and Brogden in five subjects. Both boys were placed in the IEB Outstanding Achiever category which places them in the top achievers in the country.

John-Paul Da Costa, Cameron Goodford and Philip Rumpelt each achieved seven distinctions, while Tristan Fayard, Dean Kennedy, Darian Sagnelli and Keenan Williams achieved six distinctions each.

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