Tennis is back at The Wanderers Club and it is safe

Players arrive and depart from courts wearing a mask, with temperature checks, screening and sanitising sprays at the venue.

Tennis players at The Wanderers Club have returned to the court.

Competitive players first returned on 24 June, followed by all club members on 1 July. Tennis South Africa has published a comprehensive operational plan to ensure that tennis players do not catch Covid-19, and the Wanderers Club has appointed compliance officers and implemented these strict safety protocols.

Grace Gibbs and coach Darryl Burne enjoy some tennis at The Wanderers Club. Photo: Supplied

Players arrive and depart from courts wearing a mask, with temperature checks, screening and sanitising sprays at the venue. Players book times on a booking system and all play is supervised by coaches who have Tennis South Africa Covid-19 coaching licenses. Bookings are two-hour sessions with the last 15 minutes used as an early departure time to allow for sanitising of exposed surfaces and to ensure that players do not congregate. The clubhouse is closed and play is restricted to exercise hours of 8am to 6pm, with no play under floodlights.

Tennis is back at The Wanderers Club, and Dan Picolo is not missing out. Photo: Supplied

While no socialising is permitted under these playing guidelines, members are enjoying the chance to play a ball sport again and to exercise without a mask. “We are taking every precaution to ensure our members are safe while getting back to enjoying our tennis,” said Richard Stocken, chairperson of the tennis section.

“We’ve been encouraged by the support and compliance of our tennis community and would invite all players to dust off their rackets and join us on the court.”

Luthando Disane plays tennis at The Wanderers Club. Photo: Supplied

Director of the Wanderers Tennis Academy, Howard Espley-Jones, reported that coaching has resumed with safety rules. All coaches at the academy have Covid-19 licenses. Players may not pick up or handle tennis balls. Not more than four players are allowed on a tennis court at any time, to ensure proper social distancing.

Nicky Khaki keeps a rally going at The Wanderers Club. Photo: Supplied

Details: The Wanderers Club; 011 788 5010 /11/12.

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