#HaveYourSay: What do you think about the State Capture enquiry?

SANDTON – Sandton residents share their views on the ongoing State Capture inquiry.

We asked Sandton residents to share their views on the ongoing State Capture inquiry and here’s what they had to say:

XENIA SIMPSON: I don’t think it will be worth the money and from what we’ve seen in the past I don’t think anything is going to come from it.
TATENDA CHATAIKA: I think there has to be accountability for how taxpayers’ money is spent and I do believe that this process will be quite helpful in that.
NARDUS PRETORIUS: I don’t think it’s worth the money; nothing is going to happen. If anything was going to happen I think it would have happened already.
DESIREE JOHNSON: It would be great if something comes out of it, which would then justify the money spent on it but personally I’m not confident anything will happen.


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