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We love tracking down scary criminals. What is really nice is that we make them scared but we need your help.

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Latest Crime News

Crime Hot Spots

* Map supplied by Eblockwatch, incidents are reported by members of the community and some may not necessarily have been verified by SAPS as of yet.

Crimes committed in the Sandton area

Murder 12 Cases
Attempted Murder 20 Cases
Sexual Offences 49 Cases
Rape 38 Cases
Robbery at residential premises 67 Cases
Robbery at non-residential premises 23 Cases
Theft out of or from motor vehicles 249 Cases

Disclaimer – These numbers are calculated using the total reported cases at the following police stations: Sandton, Bramely, and Randburg for July to September 2021/2 quarterly stats as provided by SAPS.


National crime stats

Sexual assault
Robbery at residential premises
Robbery at non-residential premises
Drug-related crimes

Source: SAPS Crime Statistics 2019/2020

Where murders take place

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