Wits students display their final work for the year

The exhibit is called NEWWORK14 and it is currently on display at the Wits Art Museum.

NEWWORK14 is curated collaboratively by the graduates themselves – drawing together a range of critical and material interests.

Often informed by social realities in Johannesburg, South Africa, and beyond, the works offer varied reflections and new imaginings.

As the culmination of a four-year process of learning, exchange and experimentation, NEWWORK14 is an important indicator of emerging possibilities within the contemporary South African arts industry.

With 33 exhibiting artists, NEWWORK14 spans a diverse range of media, from performance, photography, drawing, painting, and sculpture to multimedia installations and interactive events.

The Wits School of Arts graduating artists form part of the Division of Visual Arts.

NEWWORK14 will remain on display until 14 December.

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