September Green Drinks – climate change panel discussion

This engaging debate aims to increase consciousness of the upcoming COP21 conference taking place at the end of November in Paris and hopes to motivate the audience to take climate action. The panel discussion will be facilitated by African Climate Reality Manager, Jeunesse Park, Africa’s first Climate Leader identified by Al Gore, former US Vice President and Climate Reality Founder, in 2011. The panelists are: Major General Bantu Holomisa, South African Member of Parliament, President of the United Democratic Movement and climate leader; Michael O’Brien-Onyeka, Executive Director at Greenpeace Africa; and Maesela Kekana, Chief Directorate for International Climate Change Relations and Negotiations for South Africa. Each speaker will share their perspective on the climate crisis and their hopes for the outcome of COP21and engage in discussion with the audience.

Date: Thursday 17 September 2015
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Venue: 94 Bessemer Street, Wendywood, Johannesburg.
R20 donation and cash bar available. First 10 to arrive receive a Road to Paris t-shirt.


Details: Elin: 011 656 9802,

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