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Traffic lights confuse motorists

SANDTON - Resident Clint Eagles noticed that the traffic lights on Peter Place and William Nicol Drive were confusing motorists.

Eagles suspects that there are perpetrators who purposefully twist traffic signals at intersections so that it is unclear to commuters who has the right of way.

He said, “It seems the actual traffic signals are being turned to confuse motorists into thinking it is green for them, because they are not sure which signal is for them, thus causing accidents. The only people I can think of who could benefit from accidents because of this are tow truck operators.”

Ward 102 councillor David Potter said he could confirm that the Johannesburg Roads Agency put visors on the intersection in mid-August to make sure that only the approaching commuters could see the traffic light heads.

“This has helped somewhat but there are still some heads that are twisted,” he said. “I have requested that the roads agency look and tighten the heads that are twisted. I haven’t had it confirmed that heads are turned on purpose, but can imagine it being the case.”

The roads agency was contacted and asked for comment on the matter. Samuel Modiba of the roads agency said an investigation was underway and no further comment was received thereafter.

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