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WATCH: Numsa workers want Hyde Park-based company to listen to grievances

The Numsa protest outside Hyde Park-based company began on March 18.

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) workers came out in numbers at Hyde Park in Albury Road to protest their grievances to their employer on March 19.


Numsa workers were met by armed guards who stood outside the investment holdings company while they chanted struggle songs and held placards.

The workers are protesting against discrimination in the workplace. Photo: Duduzile Khumalo

The National Organiser, Enock Manyoni said the protest began on March 18, and would continue until the workers’ grievances were met.
“We chose to protest here today because this is where the three main issues arose.”

The workers designed various place cards. Photo: Duduzile Khumalo

The grievances are as follows:

  • There was an internal discussion where the employer changed the car policies that were in place. Some cars have cameras and others are without, which in our opinion, is inconsistent because when there is disciplinary action they are not treated equally. Those who do not have cameras in their cars are scott-free from disciplinary action and the cars with cameras are used by our members. We welcome cameras in cars but the company cannot abuse the system and victimise the workers.
  • The company wants to do away with transport that transports our members who stay in places as far as Vaal, Soweto and as a union, we said that cannot happen because this is a national matter. We suggested the company address any financial challenges with us nationally, but they refused
  • Our workers face racism in the workplace. When the company deals with retrenchment, black people and black managers are always targeted. Another issue is that our union is looked down upon because there are three unions at play and when the company conducts certain discussions, we are always the last union to be consulted, or not at all. They are bashing the union.
Numsa workers unite in song as they protest outside their work premises. Photo: Duduzile Khumalo

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Itumeleng Komana

Itumeleng Komana is a multimedia journalist with five years Digital experience. She covers a variety of topics, creates content for various Caxton Joburg North sites, and oversees their social media accounts.

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