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Sandton Central’s traffic signal backup-power initiative surges ahead

The city is benefitting economically as improved traffic signal reliability decreases congestion, increases productivity and also improves safety from fewer accidents at previously dead intersections due to load-shedding.

The Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) and Sandton Central Management District (SCMD) have made significant strides in their pioneering initiative of connecting traffic signals to independent power systems, ensuring seamless operations amid prevalent load-shedding.

The ongoing project, the Traffic Signal Backup Power Initiative, is gaining even more momentum as leading corporate names such as Sasol, Growthpoint Properties, and Nedbank have actively adopted intersections within the Sandton precinct.

According to Elaine Jack, district improvement manager of SCMD, starting with two intersections adopted by Investec in May, the innovative traffic solution has now been expanded to include intersections at Rivonia Road and Fredman Drive (Nedbank), Grayston Drive and Fifth Street (Growthpoint), as well as Katherine Street and Pybus Road (Sasol). In addition, Sasol will soon extend its support to include the Albertyn and Weirda Road East intersection.

District improvement manager of the Sandton Central Management District Elaine Jack.
District improvement manager of the Sandton Central Management District Elaine Jack.

“The increased support for the initiative stems from the project’s positive impact on traffic flow and the overall business district environment. An additional six corporate adoptions are currently in line to be connected and tested in the coming weeks, a testament to the traction the initiative has garnered in the community.”

Jack added that the project’s progress is encouraging the rapid momentum of the Traffic Signal Backup Power Initiative, and its gain has been truly inspiring as leading businesses within Sandton continue to join forces to tackle the common challenge of load-shedding and its effects on the district.

“This project’s positive impact is already evident, with improved traffic flow and a safer, more vibrant business district. The tremendous support we’ve seen reinforces what can be achieved through meaningful collaboration. This is not just about keeping the lights on; it’s about keeping Sandton moving forward.”

Senior vice-president Sasol business services, Grace Nndwammbi.
Senior vice-president Sasol business services, Grace Nndwammbi.

Senior vice-president of Sasol business services, Grace Nndwammbi, said, “As part of a team enabling growth and driving sustainable value creation within Sasol, we are very proud to be part of the Sandton Central Management District (SCMD) and Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) initiative.”

Paul Kollenberg, head of asset management offices for Growthpoint, explained that as more tenants are returning to Sandton, it is important that they keep the traffic flowing, even during load-shedding.

“Growthpoint is happy to contribute to this initiative and to help ease access to businesses and amenities in the area.”

Howard Rauff, Nedbank’s head of corporate real estate, added, “Nedbank is committed to engaging, exchanging ideas and strategies, and partnering on initiatives aimed at lessening the impact of the ongoing energy crisis on our economy, businesses, and society at large.”

The initiative exemplifies a cooperative effort towards addressing the challenge of ensuring safe and efficient traffic flow for Sandton’s motorists during load-shedding.

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