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Voice Over artist, Chilu Lemba, has been nominated for the One Voice USA awards

Chilu Lemba has made significant contributions to the world of media and entertainment as a radio and television presenter, and voiceover artist.

Chilu Lemba is a Sandton-based South African radio and television broadcaster and voice-over artist of Zambian origin. He traveled to South Africa in 1999 to study Integrated Marketing Communications at the AAA School of Advertising in Randburg.

Three years later, he graduated, and one thing led to another, the most notable development being that he worked as a Project Manager at an advertising agency.

“I started landing voice-over gigs on the side with my voice agent at the time marketing me as a fresh voice with bankable talent. The first notable gig they got for me was to narrate the Coca-Cola Popstars series in 2003. A few years later I started doing voice-over full-time,” said Chilu Lemba.

Chilu Lemba won a prestigious Voice Arts Award for Outstanding Commercial Tv and streaming.
Chilu Lemba won a prestigious Voice Arts Award for Outstanding Commercial Tv and streaming.

His career as a radio presenter kick-started in January 1996, when he recorded his first voiceover a year prior, but it wasn’t broadcast. Previously he worked at 94.7 Highveld Stereo until about 2007.

“I haven’t been on air as a presenter since but, I am currently the voice that you hear saying, ‘This is Eyewitness News’ on 702 and 567 Cape Talk at the top of every hour. I also host a couple of podcasts,” said Lemba.

He views his trip as amazing and included some of his stories in his biography “Finding My Voice,” which was released in 2019. Since he began, there have been several technological advances in the voiceover industry.

He is a nominee in the One Voice category, which includes some of the best work produced worldwide in the sector. You received a coveted Voice Arts Award last year for Outstanding Commercial – TV or Streaming – Best African Voice Over.

Chilu Lemba flashes a smile toward the camera.
Chilu Lemba flashes a smile toward the camera.

“Winning it would be huge for me but also the continent. It will showcase that we produce world-class work. Many international awards in advertising, movies, and music find their way back to Africa but it hasn’t been the case with voice acting. Even if I don’t win, the nomination is a proud milestone that I’m savoring with gratitude,” said Lemba.

He views his trip as amazing and included some of his stories in his biography “Finding My Voice,” which was released in 2019. Since he began, there have been several technological advances in the voiceover industry.

He is a nominee in the One Voice category, which includes some of the best work produced worldwide in the sector. You received a coveted Voice Arts Award last year for Outstanding Commercial – TV or Streaming – Best African Voice Over.

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