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Keitumetse wins bursary at open day

Dreams come true when the time is right, and patience is a virtue in this regard as well.

The excitement of a dream coming true defies description.

Keitumetse More, a Grade 12 learner from Alberton High School, recently won the 2023 Open Day Bursary from the IIE’s Varsity College Sandton.

Not only was she excited, but her dreams of becoming a judge are one step closer to reality.

More has already applied to study towards an IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law for 2024.

“My career aspiration is to become a judge, and this opportunity given to me is awesome.”

She added that this bursary is going to take a lot of financial pressure off my parents.

“Attending the open day was insightful, especially interacting with the Faculty of Law. I enjoyed the cheerleading performance and the social committee stood out for me as well, as they gave me a taste of what social life will be like next year.”

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