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Passion and community drive Poplar Park

After being formally co-adopted with Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo and the Riverclub community has not looked back.

The community of Riverclub continues to take pride in its little Poplar Park.

Over the last four years, with the help of fundraising efforts, various community events and the Poplar Place Shopping Centre, the park that was one a stretch of grass has been transformed.

Today the park has jungle gyms, a perimeter fence, soccer nets and a children’s bike track for the whole community to enjoy.

Local resident Diane Bomberg describes the park as ‘the centre of the community’ because it is always full of people enjoying their day.

“Whether it’s dog walkers, cyclists or joggers grabbing a coffee, doing yoga, lunch or dinner on the deck or simply parents bringing their children for a play in the playground or to kick a ball, there is quite a lot going on most weekends.”

She added that the community passion project started when a local helper brought the little boy that she looked after to the park for a change of scenery. Word soon spread and more people began visiting the park.

“We had young children at the time and thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could add some play equipment and create a space for families to enjoy. And so, in late 2017 the fundraising project began,” said Bomberg.

A WhatsApp group was started and the response from the community was phenomenal.

The park was soon after formally co-adapted by Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo and the community has not looked back since.

Halloween at Poplar Park is always a fun event for the community. Photo: Supplied

Resident Rosie Allan said that her family visits the park on a regular basis as there is nothing better than having a safe space to run, throw and kick a ball.

“I love watching the park kids invent elaborate games that utilise every corner of their special park.”

On a yearly basis, the park also plays host to a number of events, this includes the Easter egg hunt, Halloween trick-or-treats and Christmas carols. There is also a monthly French market called Le Marché.




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