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Donated groceries to assist families

FERNDALE – Generous donation of groceries will bring relief to children who receive help at the Teddy Bear Foundation.

Groceries, toiletries and teddy bears that were collected by Blairgowrie resident Elaine van der Heever will go a long way to help children at the Teddy Bear Clinic.

Van der Heever is a regular contributor to Teddy Bear Foundation and she put out a call earlier this year encouraging residents in Randburg to donate groceries and teddy bears.

She asked residents to drop off their items at Compass Restaurant in Ferndale. “This is what I do to help children. It is my hobby,” she said.

Elaine van der Heever and Dalene Bishop at Compass Restuarant in Ferndale. Photo: Phathu Luvhengo

The restaurant owner Yash Athawale said when Van der Heever asked if she could use his eatery as a drop-off space, he saw the opportunity to get involved and be part of the community. “When we started in August 2021, she [Van der Heever] was our first guest and has been regular ever since. It is our pleasure to get involved,” he added.

Dalene Bishop of the foundation thanked Van der Heever and said, “When we need something or doing something in this area, she is our go-to person.”

Bishop said the food items that were collected would go to the children and their families as their need for food had been overwhelming due to the pandemic. “As you can appreciate, it is very difficult to give a hungry child therapy when all they are thinking about is the hunger pangs in their tummies.”

Elaine van der Heever and Dalene Bishop at Compass Restuarant with some of the donated teddies. Photo: Phathu Luvhengo

Bishop said a soft toy such as a teddy bear played a pivotal role in the journey of an abused child. “Each time a child comes into our services they are given a soft toy. It is like a travelling buddy on their journey to healing. This generous donation will bring joy and relief to the children and their families who find themselves in the unfortunate position of having to make use of our services.”



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