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Morningside resident appeals to the community for donations

MORNINGSIDE – Resident's love for animals helps collect money to buy blankets for animal shelters in Johannesburg before the winter season begins.

Morningside resident Chiara Cohen is appealing to the community for donations so that she can buy blankets for animal shelters across Joburg.

She started this initiative as a way to give back to the community and help animals.

“I am starting it earlier this year because I can feel it’s already getting cold. Recently I took my dogs out in the middle of the night as they needed to go out and it was already cold,” said Cohen.

She hopes to get enough blankets by the end of April and be able to help every shelter in Johannesburg.

Over the years she has managed to give 50 blankets to each of the 15 shelters she was helping. This year she aims to buy 1 000 blankets and donate to more shelters.

Chiara Cohen buys blankets for animal shelters. Photo: Supplied

Her love for animals keeps her going as she believes that we are their voices and we should take care of them.

The goal is to help every shelter in and around Johannesburg as plenty of people are willing to help.

She said that the response from people has been amazing. She uses social media to get more donors and through that she has been able to achieve more than she had hoped for.

“Animals want love and give unconditional love. They don’t ask for much,” she added.

Since this blanket drive started it has given her an understanding that there is only so much you can do. It has pushed her over the years to be able to do more. “Every year I just try and push my goal even more. These shelters need all the help they can get from anyone who can help.”

If anyone would like to donate, they can email Cohen at helpinganimals59@gmail.com

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