
What to do during a hijacking with a toddler in a vehicle

SANDTON – What would you do during a hijacking to get your child safely out of the car?


Being a victim of a hijacking can be a traumatic experience, but what should you do when a criminal knocks at your window?

The reality of such a situation can become worse, especially if you have your child in the car with you.

In this week’s edition of How Secure Are You?, an online and print security feature in partnership with the Sandton Chronicle and 7 Arrows Security, Victor Tortora from 7 Arrows provides tips on what to do during a hijacking.

Speaking as a security expert and parent, Tortora recently created a simulated video of a hijacking scenario which involved a toddler in the car seat.

Tortora said the most important tip as always is to be vigilant at all times. “Criminals are opportunists and when presented with an opportunity they take it. Keep your doors locked and your windows down, this will assist in being able to stall the assailant while you get yourself and child out of the car.”

He continued that if you are unfortunate and find yourself the victim in a hijacking here are some tips on how to handle the situation. “Do not stare directly at the individual, always remain submissive.”

He said to always keep your hands in full view and do not make any sudden movements. After this, it is important to verbalise what you are going to do. “Tell the assailant, ‘I am going to get my child’.”

He warned to not put up a struggle. “Once you are out of the car, if the hijacker wants your jewellery, give it freely to him.”

The final tip is to not run away. “Move two or three metres to the side of the vehicle and let them go,” Tortora ended.

How would you handle such a situation when your toddler is in the car? Share your views with us on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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