
Annual morning for parents

SANDTON – Crawford Pre-Primary recently held a parent morning where parents could observe school activities.

Crawford Pre-Primary Village welcomed Grade 000 parents to their annual parent morning.

The parent mornings allow parents to observe the multifaceted activities that their children take part in which helps them to grow and develop. Parents could also see the importance and beneficial relationship of learning through play.

Parents were encouraged to participate in the various activities with their children, both in the classroom and on the playground. They saw first-hand how fine motor, gross motor and perceptual skills are learnt through these daily educational activities.

Claire, Naeve and Bertrand Ford participate in classroom activities.


Mark, Nate Ford and Samantha Jackson at the parent morning.


Chantal Swanepoel, principal of Crawford Pre-Primary Village said, “Physical play forms a very important part of the Crawford Pre-Primary curriculum, as this develops muscle strength, promotes gross motor skills and improves children’s general coordination.

“Parents observed a ring-time activity led by the class teacher. Children sat in a ring shape discussing the current learning concept of that week, such as the weather, music or news headlines.”

Another fun activity that allowed the parents to experience their children’s daily lessons was the weekly music activity.

Fiona, Michaela and Vernon Bricknell play Animal Bingo.


Grade 000s Daniella Gwaunza and Paige Leanne Clements demonstrate the Smile rules of ‘Sharing is caring’ and ‘Everyone and everything are special’ as Penelope Queen Gwaunza watches.

Parents enjoyed this time singing and dancing with their children and the music teacher, Janice Evans. Parents and schoolchildren had an opportunity to perform dramatisations and match actions to songs. Music assists in the development of a child’s language skills, confidence and self-esteem; this inevitably allows them to express themselves through movement and song.

Evans said, “The children were overly excited and happy to have their parents join them in their fun music lesson.”

Bavisha Govender watches as her daughter Saiesha balances carefully on the obstacle course.

Did you attend the parent morning? Share your stories on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.

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