Transport Month: Road travel is smothering Mother Earth

Modes of transport have become faster, easier and more comfortable over the centuries. But transport technology that makes use of fossil fuels has a devastating effect on the environment.

How we travel has changed a lot over time. Steam trains were faster than the wagons they replaced, and steam ships faster and stronger than sailing ships. Cars replaced horses and carriages and then we took to the air and flew to our destinations.

The emissions from the various modes of transport have an adverse effect on our air, ground and water as well as creating noise pollution.

Air pollution – Dangerous CO2


The exhaust fumes that cars emit contain poisonous gases that pollute the air. The most dangerous gas that comes from cars is carbon dioxide (CO2) –  a greenhouse gas that is resulting in global warming.

Road transport (cars, trucks, buses) is the largest contributor to global warming. The environmental impact of the transport sector is significant because it is a major user of energy, and burns most of the world’s petroleum. Apart from the emission of carbon dioxide, the air pollution includes nitrous oxides and particulates, all significant contributors to global warming.

Ground and water pollution


Oil tankers that spill oil into the ocean create huge problems for sea animals and birds as it makes it difficult for them to swim, fly and breathe. The oil washes out on beaches which pollutes them and takes years to clean up.

The metals used to make cars, trains and planes and the left over petrol products from cars can contaminate the land and storm water. Contaminated storm water can make water unsafe to swim in or drink.

Noise pollution

Modern forms of transport create noise pollution, especially in urban areas. The noise created, disturbs humans and animals even though we may not always be consciously aware of it as we become desensitised.

Calls for a transition from road to rail

The number of cars on roads globally, is increasing thus increasing the negative effects on the environment. Ways to reduce the carbon emissions of road vehicles have been studied extensively. Environmentalists are calling for a transition from air and road to rail and human-powered transport as a solution. They are also calling for an increase in transport electrification and better energy efficiency.



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