
Bombela responds to Gautrain issue

JOHANNESBURG – Bombela Operating Company replies to Untu's statement on Gautrain wage dispute.


Following the United National Transport Union’s (Untu) response to the recent performance bonus dispute between Gautrain and security guards from Bombela Operating Company (Boc), 67 of whom refused to waive the quarterly bonus and face possible retrenchment, Boc has responded to the dispute.

The quarterly bonus, which the Strategic Partners Group allegedly communicated to the guards, was cancelled following the expiration of the workers’ contracts in January.

Spokesperson for the Gautrain, Kesagee Nayager confirmed that the Bombela Operating Company and the union will commence wage negotiations and that the matter has been referred to the CCMA for conciliation scheduled for 11 July.

Nayager said, “The Bombela Operating Company is disappointed that Untu has decided to refer this matter to the CCMA, in spite of Boc being open to continue negotiations with Untu, should it decide to return to the negotiations table.”

She added that the union refused the company’s latest proposed wage increase of 7.6 percent, demanding a 9 percent increase.

Nayager, in response to the union’s press statement, said that Boc has always been transparent in their negotiations while striving for an outcome that would be mutually beneficial. She concluded, “The company [Gautrain] denies that it has ever arbitrarily reversed any of its internal policies. We can confirm that the Bombela Operating Company’s employees have been paid for all overtime worked since the inception of operations.”

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