
Dance of the Butterfly spreads the word

SANDTON – The Forever Changed Campaign, aimed at cancer sufferers, is spreading throughout the world.


In the Sandton Chronicle article, Forever changed alternative, Week ending 6 May, the Forever Changed campaign of Sandton-based Addi Lang was explained.

This campaign was founded with the aim of convincing cancer sufferers that they have a choice when it comes to treatment. The campaign is run in conjunction with Dance of the Butterfly events that are now underway throughout the world.

“After the successful launch in Santa Monica, in the United States on 13 March hosted by award-winning actor Emmanuel Castis and South African actress Casey Kampel, the first Dance of The Butterfly event was held on 26 May in South Africa,” said Lang.

She added that the South African audience included an array of individuals – from television personalities to health enthusiasts to cancer warriors.

“The audience was enthralled as they watched the long-awaited Forever Changed documentary produced and directed by The African Motion Picture Company. This documentary is aimed at cancer sufferers who have the right to choose how they live their life.”

Lang describes this documentary as a global warning as it is aimed at creating awareness. “The campaign has become a movement of like- minded people who understand that ethos is about choosing how you live your life and to question everything.

“As I was diagnosed in a late stage of cancer, which is life-altering, I have invested the last 730 days of my life creating this butterfly effect to benefit others,” explained Lang.

Lang was determined to make this event enjoyable and many entertainers such as actor Jezzy Skei were invited to perform.

“Dance of The Butterfly events are now rolling out across the globe during 2016 hosted by ambassadors. All South Africans are encouraged to find out more about the campaign,” concluded Lang.

Details: addi@netactive.co.za


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