
Strong words from a resident

Sandton - A letter from a Sandton resident displays strong views on George Lea Park.

Responding to the article, Rubbish Attraction, week ending 13 May, anonymous writes:

I FULLY agree with your article that building rubble is unpleasant to the eye and it has, in the long term, had a severe impact on the environment, but so do the illegal and informal recyclers who live on the open servitude next to George Lea Park (north).

What was once a beautiful play park is now a disgusting dump. These recyclers have erected shacks and use the servitude underneath the power lines to recycle their plastic recyclables. The non-recyclables are just left in a disgusting mess, with some of it finding its way into the Braamfontein Spruit. There are no ablution facilities or toilets and recyclers use the spruit to wash themselves and to do their washing. It has grown from two or three shacks to a squatter camp.

Will something only be done when there is an explosion underneath the power lines from the fires they make at night and a few of them lose their lives?

Why hasn’t the Metro bylaw department done anything to remove them?

Read more:

Illegal dumping hits George Lea

A problem bigger than just George Lea

George Lea Park becomes a dumping ground

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