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Equador quake too close for comfort

SANDTON – Benmore-based mother explains her story of knowing that her son was in Equador at the very moment that the Equador earthquake struck.



“When I woke up on Sunday 17 April, I received a message from my son, explaining that there had been an earthquake near his hotel in Equador. Only when I turned on the news did I realise how bad the earthquake was but as helpless as I felt, I had to remain calm.”

These are the words of Benmore resident, Colleen von Bardeleben. Her son, Dayne was on a school trip in Equador at the very moment that the earthquake struck there.

Von Bardeleben explained that Dayne left for Equador on 9 April on a school trip which also went to Galapagos Island.

“On Saturday 16 April they returned from a day of hiking in the Amazon jungle and returned to their hotel in Quito, Equador. The quake struck that evening and I received a message from my son at 2.12am on Sunday morning, South African time, letting me know that they had just had an earthquake and had been evacuated out of the hotel for a few hours,” explained Von Bardeleben.

She went on to explain that Dayne told her that he was ‘fine but it was a nerve-wracking experience’. Her mind was at ease because she was able to message him and keep in contact.Von Bardeleben explained that a turning point for her was when she switched on the TV and saw the extent of the quake on the news. She explained that her husband is a very calm man and that, as a family, they were able to stay calm and logical during a very difficult experience. For her, as a mother, the important thing is that her son was not hurt.

The school trip has not been cancelled and the South African students are safe and enjoying their journey around South America. It was, however, reported to a Sandton Chronicle journalist at 10.30am on 20 April, that a small tremor was again felt in Equador, this time by Sandton-based residents who are also in Quito on holiday.

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