
An extra day for doing good

BRYANSTON - A leap year brings with it an extra day.

How we choose to use this bonus day depends entirely on how we view it.

The 29 February of this year did fall on a Monday and it did not call for a celebration. However, Bryanston High School had the right idea. In an attempt to teach pupils how to make every day count, they held a civvies day with the theme Jeans for Genes. This day was aimed at raising funds for rare diseases.

Rare diseases are just as rare as 29 February, which only comes once every four years. It was, therefore, fitting that the school chose this particular day to raise awareness. The school was able to raise and donate R9 000 to Rare Diseases South Africa.

The school’s spokesperson, Lauren Streng, was exceptionally proud of the pupils and said they should always shine the ‘blue flame’ that represents Bryanston’s spirit so brightly.

Although 29 February is a rarity, acts of kindness should occur regularly.


Did your school do anything special on 29 February? Share your story with us on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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