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Safety Dept in anti-xeno campaign

JOBURG - The Department of Community Safety has joined the outcry against xenophobic attacks of foreign through a flyer campaign.

The Department of Community Safety has joined the outcry against xenophobic attacks through a flyer campaign.

The attacks, which have adopted an almost annual pattern, also occurred in the country earlier this year, including in Alexandra, where a Mozambique national was killed.

Often, the violence seems to particularly target nationals of other African countries and have left the country struggling to redeem itself against the global condemnation of the incidents.

The campaign titled, Take charge safety starts with me – Africa belongs to all of us, is also befitting of the moment when the country celebrates heritage month.

The department’s campaign urges the public not to let xenophobia be practiced in their name but to participate in community intelligence by reporting plans and acts of xenophobic attacks to the police. It calls for xenophobia and all forms of hate crimes, lootings and killings to stop and for men to act as safety promoters of safety.

Some items listed are:

  • Violence was never a solution to problems in society, including in South Africa
  • The province called on communities, organisations and individuals to collaborate in stopping hate crimes
  • Residents should report any planned hate crime and attacks
  • Hate-related attacks violated the country’s democratic principles and the respect of human rights
  • Police would act decisively against those violating the human rights of others
  • No amount of frustration or anger justified hate-related attacks and looting of shops.

The campaign urges all residents to demonstrate peacefully against all hate-related crimes, spread messages that the country belonged to all who lived in it, and that government would support efforts of civil society organisations against xenophobia.

Details: Department of Community Safety 011 689 3600.

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