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New streetlights brighten up Cumberland

BRYANSTON - Bryanston residents will be pleased with Cumberland Avenue facelift following the successful installation of streetlights along the road.


The streetlights were installed following concerns from residents and Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood over the dangerous state of the road at night and the safety hazard the street posed when in darkness.

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“There have been quite a number of accidents in the past and we wanted to curb the trend and make the street safer for motorists to use,” he said.

Wood explained that City Power was asked to intervene and put up the lights.

He added that it took almost two months to complete, adding that the suburb was the only one within the ward with this road issue.

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Wood thanked the entity for a job well done. About 18 streetlights were installed along the road, with all of them operational since May.

Have you had a similar success in your suburb? Share your thoughts on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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