
‘Long live the genets in Sandton’

Monika Hayer writes:

I DID not want to believe that in this techno world we still cannot be good neighbours to animals.

Unfortunately, I found a run-over genet on the 12th Avenue bridge a few years ago. That is when I became aware that there still is wildlife in Sandton. You don’t need to go far or on a safari, you can just step out into your backyard.

I recently paged through a book at the library in Rivonia about Sandton’s wildlife, possibly in the 1980s and I was surprised by all that was living here then.

It would be a nice idea to have people send in photos or stories of what animals they found in their gardens over the years.

Although you do not see a genet in your garden, they could still be there. They are nocturnal. Last year, when my mom decided to have a huge palm tree cut down in her garden, a genet was injured when the palm tree crashed to the ground… Had any of us known they live tucked away in palm trees, I think the palm tree would have been checked beforehand.

I have this idea of planting some palm trees along the Sandspruit River in honour of the poor genet. I have a few scraggly plants I am growing [so that I can].

On another note, drivers need to be reminded that rushing on the road is sinful. Besides the dead genet, I have picked up many knocked down birds in our streets.

I know children do not play in the streets like we used to, but I often [worry] that a child in my street [might decide] to cycle down the driveway and onto the street. With some of my neighbours, they would have no chance.

Ed: This letter has been cut

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