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Illegal dumping ruins spruit in Morningside

MORNINGSIDE - Concerned resident, Jeff Kaye witnessed a truck dumping rubble illegally in Morningside along the river bank of the Braamfontein Spruit.

“The truck was dumping building material just off South Road, on the left-hand side, going up to Rivonia Road,” explained Kaye. “This same truck has been dumping for a long time.”

Kaye managed to take down the truck’s registration number and has sent it to Ward 103 councillor, Vincent Earp who reported the incident to the Metro police and Pikitup.

“The officials seem to be passing the buck,” said Earp. “All we are asking for is the rubble to be removed, the culprit fined and the bollards placed back into position so that trucks can’t get to the site.” Earp added that the issue of illegal dumping in the area has gone on too long and officials do not appear to be seeing the consequences of their inaction. “My residents and I don’t want to live in a dump,” said Earp.

Kaye added, “These people who are responsible for the dumping are destroying the spruit and causing a major eyesore.”

Earp said he has been informed that the matter has been escalated.

The Metro police encourage residents to report incidents of illegal dumping.

No comment was received from Pikitup at the time of publication.

Details: Metro police control room; 011 375 5911 or 011 375 5911.

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