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Fighting crime from Parkmore to Paris

PARKMORE - The Domestic Watch Forum held a very special meeting at George Lea Sports Grounds on 1 October with journalists from France Télévisions, the French national broadcaster, filming the proceedings.

The meeting was led by coordinator Penny Steyn who spoke about the necessity of sharing information between the community and the police to fight crime. Steyn said, “We are in the middle of a war, not one involving guns and knives, but one regarding information. The criminals know everything about you and your family, they know when you get home and when you leave the house. So we should fight back and work together by sharing the information about their activities being passed onto the police.”

Steyn said domestic workers and everyone else in the Sandton area should register with the Sandton police as informants, and get paid to keep the streets safe from criminals.

Steyn said to the domestic workers in attendance, “They will give you a number when you register and you will become like gold to the police as you know everything that goes on in the area.”

The meeting was reported on by France Télévisions in a 50 minute documentary about “The most dangerous cities in the world” and contacted Steyn for information regarding crime in Johannesburg.

Head journalist of France Télévisions Stephane Dubun said, “We have covered a number of cities around the world such as Bangkok, Lagos and Baghdad, and Johannesburg was one of our stops. We connected with Penny because we admire what she does.”

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