
‘May God bless the Bramley police’

Lindy Dhlamini writes:

I am a South African in my blood and veins, patriotic and well-travelled.

But the recent break-in at our house, has left me with questions about our policies as a country.

I believe this is God’s world and all his children must be beneficiaries to what God has created. It is from this background that I take serious offence on matters pertaining to racial discrimination, xenophobia, stealing, a culture of entitlement and the abuse of rights, among others. Man must work to earn a living and cannot rely on hand-outs and stealing.

The crime levels in this country are a reflection of a nation that is at war with its moral fibre, a nation full of people who not proud and who have no souls.

However, the Bramley police officers who were on duty on the night when a loser broke into our house in Athol – these officers have souls, they are still committed to the course of making our country a better place for us to live in.

I salute the officers from the Crime Prevention Unit. They caught the guys with our plasma TV, pushing their recycling trolley and pretending it was all junk for recycling.

Apparently it has become a dual mode of transport for stolen goods and rubbish now. Viva Bramley constables, Viva!

As we were making our statement at home, with the two police officers who responded to our call in the blink of an eye, a notice was immediately received that there was a television which was found, at the Marlboro off-ramp headed towards Alexandra.

Our case is in the capable hands of the Bramley police who have already made inroads towards bringing these losers to book.

May God bless the Bramley police for the commitment to their work and may He protect your lives from these losers as you work in the streets to protect us at night.

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