Editor's choice

A dedication to our police force

Last week the Hillbrow police conducted a crime blitz police operation where 135 suspects were arrested.

This was one of the numerous operations conducted in Johannesburg, which saw police officers heeding to communities’ calls for a safer environment.

Driving along some of the main arteries in Johannesburg last week, I noticed a strong police presence and was pulled over by Metro police who asked for my driver’s licence and officers checked if my vehicle was roadworthy. The officers were polite, accommodating and helpful. While many motorists get frustrated at these road blocks, I found it refreshing and was glad to see our police officers being proactive.

In an operation in Alex, four rape suspects were arrested, while in Sandton a man was arrested for stabbing his wife more than 50 times. These are some of the successes of the police which should be celebrated.

Our police officers put their lives on the line on a daily basis and fight to make our communities a little safer, and I do not believe they get enough acknowledgement.

Yes, we have all heard of the bad news stories – how investigations are botched, how police did not act quickly enough or how a suspect managed to evade police for months on end. Yes, sadly these stories do exist, but there is good work that is being done too – and I for one would like to thank the police officers who are truly making a difference in our communities.

When I was younger, I used to fear being pulled over by police – not because I had done anything wrong – but because I believed they would find the smallest defect with my car. I am pleased to say this fear has disappeared.

Yes, there are police officers who will try get money out of you, or accept a bribe, but I like to think it is a few bad eggs that have tarnished the reputation of the police and not the majority of our law enforcing officers.

For every bad story you hear about the police, there is a good story too. The problem is not everyone acknowledges the good. We are a community that is very quick to complain and very complacent when it comes to compliments. If something goes wrong, we are extremely vocal, but when something goes right, it is under-appreciated.

Our police officers are overworked and underpaid, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who are loyal, honest, hard-working and dedicated.

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