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Bryanston Primary School sends its farewell to 2021 and welcomes 2022

BRYANSTON – Learners at Bryanston Primary School have received numerous awards in art competitions, public speaking, as well as participating in the festival known as Eisteddfods. The school expresses its gratitude to the parents, sponsors, staff members and learners.

Following the madness that occurred in 2020, Bryanston Primary School was excited to have all of its staff members and students present at school without any disruption.

The school implemented its hybrid technique of teaching in order to maintain good results and a steady flow of active participants throughout the course of the year.

Sanrika Matai and Keira Holland display their public speaking awards at the Northcliff Rotary Club. Photo: Supplied

Not only has the school displayed its excellent achievements through the academic aspect, but they have also ensured making their cultural presence a priority. Learners at Bryanston Primary School have received numerous awards in art competitions, public speaking, as well as participating in the festival known as Eisteddfods. The school carries its gratitude to the parents, sponsors, staff members and learners.

What does 2022 hold for Bryanston Primary School?

The school looks forward to the opening of the Grade R facility which will be welcoming little soldiers soon. The plan for the school is to have a full year of sporting and cultural events followed by maintaining their good academic standards.

Acting principal of Bryanston Primary School Morne Marx described the year as a roller-coaster filled with unpredictable turns and twists. “2021 was a year with so many uncertainties. I am proud to say that our staff and learners have shown their character through positivity, resilience, and adaptability and 2021 will be remembered as a year where Bryanston performed extremely well under enormous pressure and uncertainty.”

Gabriella Muller, Tawana Mberi, Matt Brereton-Stiles, Hasti Rostamkia and Rutendo Chiota are the winners of the 2021 Eisteddfod. Photo: Supplied

Head girl Rutendo Chiota shared how the year was for her while using three simple words.

“This year makes me think of three words – challenging, eventful and the unknown. Challenging, we had a lot of things changing. We had to cope knowing that we couldn’t associate with our friends. Eventful, things could and would always change. We would learn new lessons while still trying to understand the old ones and unknown – we didn’t know what would come next. This certainly never made life boring. To the class of 2022, I say good luck and embrace the change.”

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