
Success for Brescia House at Model UN

BRYANSTON – Brescia House School learner Corali Reed won the silver award for best speaker.

Brescia House School joins hundreds of South African schools in prestigious research and debate programme.

The learners had the honour of hosting their first Model United Nations (UN) virtual event on June 26 on the dynamic negotiations around the Iran Nuclear Deal in the United Nations Security Council.

The annual Model UN programme which first began in 1994, offers learners an opportunity to research and debate various international topics together. It allows them to learn how the United Nations, alongside other international and regional bodies, functions.

The Bresica House School girls were joined by delegates from various other countries across the world as well as representatives from local schools – St Stithians Boys’ College and King Edward VII School (KES).

Although the French delegation won the award for best position paper for the debate, Brescia House School learner Corali Reed won the silver award for best speaker.

“[I am] so proud of our students who continue to overcome obstacles in this pandemic and find opportunities to engage, learn and grow. Thanks to St Stithians Boys’ College and KES for joining us on this journey,” said head of the high school Loredana Borello.




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