
Bryanston Primary book drive a success

Swanepoel would like to thank each and every parent and learner for making the time to donate to the book drive.

Bryanston Primary School kicked off this year’s Charity Book Drive in earnest.

Since its inception a few years ago, the school has delivered dozens of books to a school in need in Diepkloof, a number of retirement villages and various pre-primary schools, to name a few.

According to teacher and project coordinator Oscar Swanepoel, the project was driven by four outstanding learners – Daniel Roman, Brooke Mestrum, Tholoana Molefe and Rutendo Chiota.

With the help of the Bryanston Primary community, the leaders were able to collect an estimated 2 000 books prior to the lockdown.

All of their hard work proved successful this week when the learners were able to donate several thousand books to the Tiyani Junior School in Diepkloof, Soweto. “Non-profit organisation Alliance Française installed a library at their school and Bryanston Primary School was the first to donate books to their new library,” said Swanepoel.

“Our relationship with Tiyani Junior School keeps growing and we are honoured to be involved in such a noble project.”

Swanepoel would like to thank each and every parent and learner for making the time to donate to the book drive. “We are very proud of our learners. Well done to the Charity Book Drive leaders, you are rays of sunshine during these dark days.”

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