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Hirsch’s hosts aspiring women in business

HYDE PARK – Hirsch's hosted another successful Woman in Business networking event in Hyde Park with guest speaker and local fashion designer Hayley Joy Weinberg.

Hirsch’s Hyde Park hosted another successful networking session on 13 November with special guest speaker and local fashion designer, Hayley Joy Weinberg.

The owner of Hayley Joy Fashion relayed the high and lows of her entrepreneurial journey with the hope to inspire other business owners.

Weinberg started her business with the simple idea to make women of all sizes feel included and confident. “It runs so much deeper than just ‘get up and go on a diet’,” she said.

Guest speaker Hayley Joy Weinberg inspires Oliver Quambusch and Zelda Snyman with her entrepreneurial experiences. Photo: Chante’ Ho Hip

“I battled with my weight through my whole life, but I realised that there is no genuine plus-size basic block. Everything was simply up-sized from regular sizes. So I said to my production manager that she should measure me from my neck in 5cm increments all the way to my ankles and let’s plot that on a piece of brown paper and see what we get.”

Weinberg has simple revolutionised inclusive sizing, providing form-fitting clothing from an extra-large to an eight extra-large.

Details: www.hayleyjoy.com

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