
Robberies in broad daylight seem to be on the rise

SANDTON – Pedestrians be warned: Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables on the road.


Over the past few months, criminals have been targeting individuals, mainly woman, walking in the streets and have been robbing them in broad daylight.

“The modus operandi seems to be criminals working in a team whereby a female engages in conversation with a victim while the male hangs back waiting to eventually rob the person.

“Many reports of such crimes claim that the initial female entices the victims by saying she has just found an envelope containing a large sum of cash and offers the victim to share it with her,” said Jason Mordecai, chief operating officer of Sandton-based 7Arrows Security.

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This tactic works as the victim becomes occupied and distracted which assists the second suspect to then rob the person who has already let his or her guard down.

“We urge all pedestrians to not engage in conversations with people who you do not know and be alert at all times. It would also be highly advisable not to carry cash or any valuables with you.

“When choosing routes to your destination, please make sure to walk on main roads and areas that are busy with other people.”


Have you experienced this new trend in criminal activity? What would you do in this situation? Let us know by posting on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.

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