Parkview community unites to save lives

In South Africa a blood transfusion takes place every 48 seconds and a minimum of 810 000 units of blood are required to meet the annual target in order to save lives, the Parkview Residents Association partnered with the SANBS to encourage Parkview residents to help save lives.

Thando Mnguni

Headline Online: Parkview Residents Association hosts blood drive to save lives.

Parkview Residents Association (PRA) teamed up with South African National Blood Service (Sanbs) to run a blood drive.

“They [Sanbs] have had a tough time during Covid-19 since corporates who used to run blood drives from their offices have been unable to continue with many of their staff not in the office,” said Caryl Kelly, marketing and communications person for the association.

It is the third blood drive that the association has run to date since their first one in November last year. “We have since had two more blood drives that have steadily increased in numbers, the second on the 12 and 13 February where we managed to get another 65 units and then the latest on the 16 and 17 April . We have worked quite hard publishing the drives on social media and each time our donors have increased,” said Kelly.

The latest drive held at Weber House in Parkview saw a total of 66 units of blood collected.

“We were delighted with this result and so glad that we could make a substantial contribution to the South African National Blood Services.”

“It is an honour for us as a residents' association to host these drives in our village and to give back to our city as a community. Our surrounding suburbs were also invited to join the drive and we are grateful to all our residents and friends who took the time to come and donate.”

The next drive will be held on the 11 and 12 June at Weber House and those who would like to donate blood are welcome to do so.

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