
How to keep your sanity during lockdown

How can you make sure you take care of your wellbeing during lockdown? Have a look at these 5 points:

We’re five months into the national lockdown in South Africa. There’s no doubt that this period has been a challenging one for most people. If you’re not worried about staying healthy and not catching the coronavirus, you’re worried about your family and friends, keeping your job and many other things. It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity. Here’s how you can keep your sanity during lockdown:  

1. Take a (social) media detox



Switch off the TV, turn your alerts for ‘coronavirus’ off and take a break from your social media channels. Consuming too much negative news can have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing. Although staying in touch with what’s happening around you is important, so is putting your mental and emotional health first.  

2. Exercise



Exercise is a great way to destress because it helps release endorphins, which is known as the ‘happy hormone.’ Make sure you have a regular exercise routine. Not only will your body thank you for it, but so will your mind and emotional state of being.  

3. Be unproductive


The call to be unproductive may sound counterintuitive. We live in a world where productivity is put above everything else, including taking a much-needed break and taking care of yourself. So, take some time off to do absolutely nothing without feeling any guilt or shame about it.  

4. Talk to someone you trust


If you are feeling overwhelmed or down, you should speak to someone you trust about your emotions. If you can afford it, you should also consider going for therapy and speaking to a professional. There are also free resources for those who are unable to pay for therapy on the South African Depression and Anxiety Group’s (SADAG) website.  

5. Delve into your hobbies



What did you love doing as a child? Make your inner child happy by making time for the things that bring you joy. Whether it’s painting, writing, singing, dancing or drawing… Doing the things you loved doing as a child is a surefire way to calm you and bring you a sense of peace.

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