Hindley’s artistic risk

The Survey of Risk exhibition by Matthew Hindley is a creative intersection of mediums and processes which produced an interesting body of work.

David Krut Projects (DKP) is pleased to present the Survey of Risk exhibition by Matthew Hindley.

The exhibition is a review of the various processes Hindley has explored in his career. The manifestations of Hindley’s artistic risks – and their rewards – will be on display in the form of prints, drawings and paintings.

Inspired by his collaboration with the David Krut Workshop, Hindley’s time in the printing workshop allowed for a creative intersection of mediums and processes, which resulted in an exciting body of work.

The works all deal with themes of destructive beauty and the incongruent nature of reality. Hindley draws on a variety of low-resolution photographic images as references for his work. The images relate to drone and plane explosions happening in war-torn countries. Hindley expands the fantastic qualities of the imperfect image through his visual language.

Matthew Hindley’s Ruin Lust (hill) forms part of a series of drypoints, dealing with themes of destructive beauty and the incongruent nature of reality.

Hindley worked with the David Krut Workshop in 2016, where he discovered the painterly process behind watercolour monotypes. He created a series of drypoints, all forming part of the series entitled Ruin Lust.

The collaboration inspired a fresh approach to painting, with his more recent paintings including decisive drypoint-style mark making.

During his time at the workshop, Hindley was inspired by the method of layering monotypes to create a single image by utilising the translucent and luminous quality of watercolours. This has translated well into his technique in other works. His monotypes are a unique celebration of colour, while his drypoints return to the essential quality of line, directly exploring the subject.

The intersection between mark-making and colour was explored in diverse ways by Hindley. He created colour drypoints, hand-painted drypoints as well as greyscale drypoints and reproduced them in three variations.

Matthew Hindley’s Ruin Lust VI is part of the Survey of Risk exhibition series. The images relate to drone and plane explosions happening in war-torn countries.

This exhibition displays these variations in conjunction with one another. This includes warm and cool coloured prints, a grey variation and a black print with hand-painting of each work. Printmaking has undoubtedly influenced Hindley as a painter.

The exhibition will open at 6pm on 22 February at David Krut Projects,142A Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood. It will continue until 29 March.

Contact: info-jhb@davidrut.com 011 880 6368.


Talk to us by emailing our new editor, Ashtyn Mackenzie, at ashtynm@caxton.co.za

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