Chambers meeting reveals trading secrets and new book

KILLARNEY – The Killarney Country Club recently hosted Singapore-based trader, Kenneth Kam, who spoke about his book which charts his 27-year journey as a foreign markets trader.


The Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry in conjunction with the Kenn Organisation, a Singapore-based Forex trading company, hosted a networking business breakfast at Killarney Country Club on 18 October.

The occasion coincided with the launch of the Singaporean trader, Kenneth Kam’s book titled The Equilibrium, which encourages a life of balance and delves into his 27-year journey as a trader in the foreign exchange market.

Kam is the founder of the Kenn Organisation, which has the vision of becoming a pension fund for the world.

He said being in South Africa, however, provided his organisation with the perfect opportunity to expand its footprint on the African continent.

“Visiting South Africa provides us with the opportunity of basically fulfilling our vision of reaching out to the underprivileged people of the world, and I think lots of them are [found] in various parts of Africa. South Africa is the gateway to Africa, and so it’s a good place to start,” said Kam.

He also expanded on his newly launched book saying it stands to do wonders for anyone looking to achieve mindset mastery and a balanced life. “The book is about equilibrium. When I started trading I thought that I should just spend all my time and energy on trading. As a result, I would trade day and night and not take care of my body.

“However, I learnt very early on that if I don’t take care of my body, my body’s not going to take care of me. And so, the book reminds us of the importance of balance.”

Kam said his book addresses some of the negative perceptions which surround trading. “Misconceptions on trading do exist. Some individuals resort to it as a means of scamming others, however, the positives of trading outweigh any negatives. Trading is about buying low, selling high and making the profit in between.”


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