Inspired by the Super Mario game, local artist Loui Lvndn release single

JOBURG – New edgy single is released by Loui Lvndn.


Loui Lvndn has released a new single, Kill Her Killer, and City Buzz is finding out more about the song, its edgy title and the upcoming album.

Lvndn, pronounced ‘London’, is a singer, songwriter, rapper, performing artist, visual artist and writer who has evolved into the genre defying musician he is today.

The highly anticipated single from his debut album, Your Princess Is In Another Castle, had exclusive play on 23 June on 5FM.

Inspired by Super Mario and his futile quest to save his princess from the clutches of doom, the artist explores the repetition faced in playing the actual game for days, slaying the devils, clearing the levels, only to be told after each painstaking stage that ‘your princess is in another castle’.

Using this as a metaphor, Lvndn explores the pursuit of happiness and love in a novella-styled album which details his quest and failure in a linear track-by-track narrative.

Lvndn has given live performances all over Johannesburg, both as a solo act and with a live band.

The fresh and exciting, Lvndn sound has been compared to that of Pharrel Williams and N.E.R.D, Lenny Kravitz, Kid Cudi and even Kendrick Lamar among other greats by those enthusiasts who unanimously appreciate the wunderkind as a world-class South African talent shooting for the moon.

Your Princess Is In Another Castle will be released on download by Gallo Records on iTunes on 21 July andCD on 24 July.

Edited by Stacey Woensdregt

Read: Loui Lvndn signs a record deal

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