Performance and art come together in Melville

JOBURG – Map Contemporary has something new and extraordinary to offer.

Map Contemporary is the art space nestled between cafés and restaurants in Melville, which offer art lovers something new and exciting, in February.

Reeds of Iqhawe: Influences of Butoh on Iqhawe, is a dance of the inside out, that explores the connectedness of the body, mind and soul to the effect that it influences growth, stability and consciousness.

Butoh is a form of Japanese dance and this exhibition tells the story of the evolution of Iqhawe, meaning hero.

This is the new exhibition that will be on show at Map Contemporary from 3 February.

Oupa Sibeko will perform his dance on the opening night of the exhibition, after which a collection of still shots of the performance, shot by Ben Skinner, will adorn the walls of the gallery and art space in Melville.

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“My body is central to my work and my body is the ultimate library I visit for inspiration, ideas and art. In this series of images, shot by Ben Skinner, the images tell a story of a transforming body and there is a movement of life and death portrayed by the subject in the images,” said Sibeko.

Naomi Menyoko, co-owner of the art space, explained that this installation would be the precursor to another that would take place at Constitution Hill later in the year. “We’re going to be working with Oupa on two projects and [we chose him because] his work has a lot of depth and his imagery is very immersive. You can see his performance in the photography. We also chose him for the subject matter of his work.”

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On display until 18 February, this exhibition will be up for two weeks only, so don’t miss out on his expressive work.


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