
#Mabonengman appears in the city

MABONENG – While strolling the streets of Maboneng, feel free to take selfies with a new sculpture and upload them onto social media using #mabonengman.


Local artist, Ledelle Moe, has recently graced the wonderful Maboneng Precinct with her thoughtful works of art, Maboneng Man, which form part of her Displacements series.

“Originally placed in the gardens next to the Cosmopolitan building, I felt he [the sculpture] needed to be experienced and felt by the community, and finally, here he has a place,” said Moe.

Artwork: Other Displacement series pieces by Ledelle Moe.
Artwork: Other Displacement series pieces by Ledelle Moe.

“This sculptural form is a cavity, a shell. The concrete form and the interior space within it alludes to a sense of place and placelessness. Within the city, concrete surfaces surround us. Traces of human presence can be found in a constant layering of advertisements, posters, graffiti and an inevitable weathering and marking of surfaces. These are traces of our own bodies in a fast-moving, noisy, penetrable and impenetrable city.

“This ‘sleeping man’ sculpture extends this urban concrete skin and provides an extension to the environment, contributing to the surfaces and textures of the city as it shifts constantly between construction and destruction, monument and ruin.

Have a look: The interesting 3D graffiti piece by artist Ledelle Moe in Maboneng.
Have a look: The interesting 3D graffiti piece by artist Ledelle Moe in Maboneng.

“The human form, horizontal and large, creates a barrier and an interruption to the space around it. In this sense, the scale of this work and the space it occupies becomes a placeholder for all people in a state of rest or waiting.”

The artwork is situated on an island under the Maboneng Precinct crossover and the public is encouraged to take pictures of themselves with the piece and upload it to social media using the hashtag #mabonengman.

Durban-born, Moe is an international artist and Stellenbosch lecturer whose pieces can be accessed at www.ledellemoe.com.

Also read:

Fine art becomes accessible

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