Walk about with Majak Bredell

AUCKLAND PARK – View the artwork of Majak Bredell on exhibition at the UJ Art Gallery.


An extensive body of work by artist, Majak Bredell, will be on exhibition in August at the University of Johannesburg’s Art Gallery.

Bredell, in her exhibition entitled Codex Magdalene +, removes the layers of meaning attached to the historical figure of Mary Magdalene – who in Christianity, according to the bible, travelled with Jesus and witnessed his crucifixion and resurrection – while simultaneously adding other meanings to the figure through her art pieces.

“I view Mary Magdalene as a hybrid figure who belongs to both Christianity and to the deeper layers of the pagan past. My interest in, and research into the marginalised – represented by the goddess, the witch and the female body – are all brought to bear on my exploration and re-interpretations of this enigmatic woman,” explained Bredell.

“As I separate out the many layers of thought that have shrouded Mary Magdalene, I find that she cannot be pinned down and that her figure remains ever-changing.”

Christened Maria Magdalena, Bredell would only be reminded of her real name when submitting a passport application or tax return, yet she always had a particular fascination and fondness for Magdalene.

“This [is a] much-maligned character from religion, legend and art,” said Bredell.

After reading Susan Haskin’s book titled Mary Magdalene: Myth and metaphor in 1996, the artist began keeping notebooks on all things Magdalene. Included in this exhibition is the transcription of many of these notes and ideas, comprising more than 100 single folios titled Codex Magdalene +.

A further section named Monuments Magdalene comprises larger works, both old and new, and several of the artist’s books, both symbolic and autobiographical.

Exhibition catalogs will be available and two walkabouts will be hosted by the artist herself on 13 August and 7 September.

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