Voice of Joburg: ex-Witsie speaks on university strikes

BRAAMFONTEIN - Looking out for a friendly face in Braamfontein, City Buzz found an ex-Witsie who was wanted to speak out about the recent strikes at the university and how to improve conditions in South Africa.

A former student from Wits University, Naledi Tankani, witnessed the chaos which ensued at her former place of learning and was keen to tell Joburg residents what she thought of the strikes.

“You’re from the newspaper,” she inquired after she was introduced to City Buzz.

“So you’ll tell people what I think?”

Expressing her opinion seemed quite appealing to the former student.

“It’s sad to see my old university like that,” she started.

“When I think of all the great times I had there with my friends, it’s sad to see it reduced to what it is [now]. I’m not saying that any institution is without flaws – we complained about lecturers and processes and many other things – but the institution itself was an awesome place to learn.”

City Buzz then asked the woman if she would have joined the strike.

“I absolutely would have. The school fees are so ridiculously high. How do they expect the majority of people to get a degree or any certification?”

“How would you change fund usage at the university, if you had the power?”

“I don’t think it’s a university issue – it’s a governmental one.”

“It makes me sick to think that my funds could possibly be funding a private jet or a multi-million rand house, when I sit here and struggle to make ends meet.”

“It’s the same university students who had the power to cause the 0 percent annual university fee increase that have the power to vote in a new government, with new ideas and a more efficient way of running our country.”

City Buzz then asked if she really thought that a new power would be able to fix the issues created by our current ruling party.

“I do. I feel that there is too much old power in charge and I truly feel that there are people who want a better future for the country.”

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