Zebra and Giraffe to launch new album

JOBURG - Zebra and Giraffe are back in Joburg to launch their third studio-recorded album on 23 October.

The CD version of Knuckles will be released in November, but it is already available from iTunes.

In 2008, the group exploded onto the South African rock scene after their release of their first album, Collected Memories. A lot has changed since then, from members leaving to their sound slightly changing.

City Buzz recently caught up with the group after their performance at Oppikoppi and launch shows in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Bloemfontein earlier this year.

Greg Carlin, songwriter, vocalist and guitarist of the band said the change in sound can be contributed to their individual music influences.

“There’s still a very constant Zebra and Giraffe sound throughout our albums, but over the years our tastes have changed. We listen to different music than we did back in 2006, but there will always be the constant influences like NIN, Depeche Mode and The Killers. It is inevitable that as we change, our music will change too,” he said.

Talking a bit about members leaving the group Carlin said, “When you start out and you think about losing a member, it seems like a blow that you’ll never recover from. But as times have changed, we’ve changed as a band and as people, and each change we’ve made felt right at the time. We now have a band that is really tight and all working towards the same goals.”

The band leader admits the band has faced some challenges, saying the group has had to work very hard to maintain their brand and to maintain a creative headspace while still having to manage and grow a business.

“Longevity in this industry, especially one as small as South Africa, is really tough. You’re constantly faced with issues and problems that you need to overcome, most of which have nothing to do with actually making music,” he added.

The group will launch their album at the Hard Rock Café at 9pm.

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