Editor's note

The time for answers is now

Public Protector Thuli Madonsela's report on President Jacob Zuma's Nkandla residence came as no surprise to many South Africans.

The sad fact is, many of us expected her findings – what does that say about the country’s view of the president?

Some have said the money that was improperly spent on President Zuma’s private house is small change compared to the wasteful expenditure by other government officials – South Africa and it’s government is throwing billions away every year. Precious rands, that could be spent on education and supplying electricity and running water to the needy, has been lost through corruption and incompetence.

While Madonsela says in her report that Zuma ‘unintentionally’ mislead parliament, I find it hard to believe he didn’t know what was going on. If our president cannot see the pure corruption and wasteful expenditure that is happening right under his nose, South Africa is in for a very bleak future.

Whether Zuma is responsible for the money wasted on Nkandla, or whether he claims ignorance and finds a scapegoat to take the fall – the facts remain: South Africans were wronged, and our president was directly involved.

Madonsela has said her office received a lot of resistance while probing allegations made about Nkandla; this resistance delayed her report on more than one occasion. These delays, as well as the investigation into the matter, has cost South Africans dearly, all because the president could not see – or did not want to see – what was happening on, quite literally, his doorstep.

We deserve better; we deserve a president we can trust. Mr President, something has to give. The time for transparency is now. You need to come clean with the country, full stop.

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