
Speak Sign Love

WITS - The play Speak Sign Love follows the story of two people who meet in a park.

When they meet each other they find they are separated by a communication barrier.

An exploration of this barrier ensues.

Speak Sign Love deals with a serious topic in a positive scenario that is vibrant and relevant in South African society today.

The man’s world has sounds, music and voice, while her world is characterised by silence, image and hands.

The expression of love reaches beyond communication barriers, but the building of a relationship does not.

What happens when there is a communication barrier between someone from a hearing community and a deaf one?

The communication divide between the hearing and deaf communities is a serious topic. A great deal of misunderstanding comes about due to lack of a mutually understood language and of each other’s culture.

This leads to a portion of our multi-national population being split off from the majority.

The play will be on for one day only at the Wits Theatre on 27 March at 1.30pm and again at 7pm.

Tickets are available at the door for R20 and R10 for students.

Details: beth.dewet@gmail.com

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