Greenside boosts rugby

GREENSIDE – Greenside High School recently boosted its rugby focus by hosting a rugby camp and touch rugby clinic.

Greenside High School recently boosted its rugby focus by hosting a rugby camp and a touch rugby clinic.

The rugby camp was hosted at the school for all rugby boys to make sure they were ready for the upcoming season.

The school’s William Wareham said, “As soon as the bell went, the boys raced down to the field to start their first session of training in the late afternoon, which was followed by a break and braai time after which the boys had a two-hour board session with their coaches.”

The boys were drilled on the key responsibilities of each position, game plans, what they wanted to achieve this year, and what their coaches’ expectations for the upcoming season were.

“Afterwards they enjoyed a much-needed night swim,” Wareham continued.

The boys were told to shower and climb into bed as they would have to do a 5km run at 5am the next morning.

Day two arrived with the coaches waking the boys up for their run, followed by a classroom video session, with the coaches going over game strategies.

“This was a very successful camp and we hope the boys learnt a lot from it and enjoyed it. We hope to continue to have camps like these in the future.”

Meanwhile, touch rugby is a fast-growing sport at Greenside, and the school hosted a clinic on 17 March for all players, experienced and beginners.

Wareham said, “The clinic was run by our experienced coaches who all play provincial touch rugby. The clinic was well attended with 50 learners arriving to take part.

“All learners enjoyed it and were taught not only the basics of how to play touch rugby but also some new skills and the importance of teamwork. The clinic was successful and we hope to run it again next year with even more learners.”

Details: Greenside High School 011 646 0113.

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